Health Topics
Healthy Living
November 2009
12 Feng Shui Tips |
Smiti Munwani |
Sangeeta could not fathom the reason for her deteriorating health. Ever since she had shifted to a new house after her husband's transfer, she started suffering severe headaches which degenerated into migraine. |
She had difficulty getting up or climbing stairs because of a nagging pain in the lower back. Her vision, never a cause for concern, suddenly became hazy because of the onset of glaucoma. Her knee and elbow joints pained endlessly and she feared early osteoporosis. The doctor told the 52-year-old Sangeeta that some of these changes were age-related and prescribed analgesics for several of her aches and pains. But she wasn't convinced. How could so many ailments overpower her suddenly, making her a virtual invalid? Short of plausible answers, she was at her wits end.
That's when a friend suggested she go and see a Feng Shui practitioner. She consulted her husband who shrugged his shoulders and said it would do no harm trying. And that changed her life forever, though the Feng Shui expert's advice was puzzling. "You have to change the direction of your bed, only then will your good health index rise," he said somberly.
She and her husband did as they were told. They re-positioned the bed on the opposite side of the bedroom door. The story goes that within days Sangeeta started feeling much better as energy began flowing back in her body and her aches and pains began to evaporate.
Though cynics may scoff if off as mumbo-jumbo, Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese "science" which can be used not just to improve health and wealth but also has an effect on all aspects of life. The Indian equivalent to this is Vaastushaastra, though Feng Shui is somewhat easier to use as it comes with cures and remedies.
There are many Feng Shui experts who can be consulted if you are suffering from major problems, particularly if you have changed your office or residence or changed furniture around.
Hair and Lovely
Miraculous Healing Powers Believers say that Feng Shui has miraculous healing powers and governs the health of individuals. If things are done according to the principles of Feng Shui, a person will enjoy a long and healthful life. But defying it could have an opposite effect where a person could suffer from a plethora of illnesses and ailments.
Balancing Natural Elements
Basically Feng Shui works by balancing all the elements of nature – wind, water, earth, fire and metal energies in and around a person's environment to create a harmonious Chi (also called Qi) and also balancing the yin and yang elements. When things are not in harmony, all kinds of obstructions can occur, particularly health troubles which may lead to dangerous consequences. |
Ways To Use Feng Shui
Feng Shui can be used in three different ways. The first is the 'corrective' way which helps provide a remedy to any existing or new problems. The second is the 'constructive' way which helps to improve an individual's health, wealth and achieve a desired result. And the third is the 'predictive' way, which requires a really advanced practitioner who can see into the past and foretell the future, much like an astrologer. |
The Ba-Gua
A Feng Shui compass or Lo Pan is necessary to determine the directions in your home and the Ba-Gua is an octagonal map or grid containing the symbols of the all-important I-Ching, the ancient oracle which forms the basis of Feng Shui. A practitioner will also determine your personal Kua number, and the numbers of all family members, and then suggest appropriate remedies for your problems. |
Clearing the Clutter
There are some basic Feng Shui principles you can apply to your own environment which will positively impact your health. All houses have some clutter, whether it is old newspapers, clothes, books, utensils or other items. Get rid of all unwanted stuff in your house. Throw away appliances or devices which are not working – or get them repaired so they start working again. |
Ventilation and Lighting
Make sure your house is well ventilated and has plenty of natural light. You would need to open the windows and let the air and light to flow in. This will infuse the energy of Yang in the room. While white fluorescent light or tube lights are energy saving and give cool light, they are not Feng Shui friendly. Warm lighting is better for the energy of your house. Have some coloured lights as colour brings vibrancy and warmth. Or you can use coloured lamp shades as well. |
Green Plants
Green plants in the house increase the energy flow. However, green plants should be put in the east, south or south-east corners of your house for maximum health results. Feng Shui however forbids keeping dead or artificial plants in the house. Similarly, plants with thorns should not be put inside the house. But since these give you health protection they can be placed outside the house. Feng Shui also cautions against putting bonsai plants in the house as they represent stunted growth and can have a deleterious effect on the health. |
Importance of Water
Water plays an important role in Feng Shui. It is best to install a small fountain near the entrance of the house. If that is not possible you can hang a painting or picture depicting water falling from a height. It should not be stagnant or calm water. Special attention should be given to places that have a flow of water like the kitchen and bathrooms. The drains should be neat and clean and the toilet seat should be covered when not in use. The bathroom door should be closed. If these prerequisites are not followed, Feng Shui claims that they could affect a person's health and finances. |
Feng Shui Remedies
There are a number of Feng Shui remedies which can help balance the energies. For instance, computers and televisions are now virtually in every house. Other devices that are commonly found in houses are iPods, MP-3 players, mobile phones, microwaves and more. All of these emit electromagnetic radiation which can have a negative effect. In order to balance this effect, you need to place crystal clusters around the area where these devices are placed. |
Improving the Chi
Coins, bracelets, amulets, wind chimes, crystals, gem stones, key chains, and statuettes of Buddha are among the items which can be used as remedies to improve the Chi. Then there are many other symbols made in ceramic, metal or wood like doves, tortoise, frogs, dragons, dogs, fish, fruits and plants which can be used as decoration pieces. Stuff made of bamboo also plays a positive role in enhancing health in the household. |
Importance of Colour
According to Feng Shui, colours have their own vibrational energy with a power to heal. Bold and bright colours promote energy and enthusiasm in the house. But it is best not to overdo them as that can have an opposite effect Enthusiasts claim that Feng Shui has the potential to promote holistic health, if followed closely. While it may not cure serious or chronic illnesses instantly, the positive flow of energy generated by Feng Shui will make ample ground for the prevalence of better health for the entire family and make you stressed out and tense. If you are using bright colours on the walls then you must offset them with dull-coloured upholstery and curtains to maintain a harmonious balance. This technique will not just make your home warm and vibrant but also help maintain a balance, thereby having a positive effect on the mind. |
Happy Mirrors
According to Feng Shui, health supposedly flows into the house from the eastern direction. The effect can be enhanced by keeping pictures of healthy people, happy families as also happy memories in the form of awards and trophies won by family members. Place this memorabilia in front of a mirror so that it is reflected through it. This will double the health and happiness index in the family. |