Health Topics

Healthy Living

January 2012
Yoga For PMS
Uttara Sharma
Yoga has been practised for all sorts of ailments
and it can be immensely beneficial for women.

Alternate nostril breathing

  • Fold index and middle finger of your right hand and place the thumb on the right nostril and ring finger on the left nostril.
  • Inhale with left nostril, hold your breath for five counts and exhale with right nostril.
  • Repeat the same with the other nostril. Do at least 10-12 times.
This exercise relaxes the body and helps the mind to focus. It helps in balancing mood swings.

Adho mukha savasana (downward facing dog)

  • Go down on all four in a dog pose (both the palms and knees on the ground).
  • Now straighten your legs up, hands shoulder width apart, legs hip width apart.
  • Lengthen your spine.
  • Do 10 counts and five repetitions.
This pose is very relaxing if practised with a bolster for the head to rest on. It’s a spine neutralising pose. It relaxes your spine and relieves lower back pain during PMS. It is also good for mood swings and anxiety.

Prasarita padottasana (wide leg standing forward bend)

  • Spread you legs wide; bend forward with exhalation.
  • Do 10 counts and five repetitions.
This asana is very relaxing if practised with head on a block, so that your cervical spine is relaxed. Helps in relieving cramps.

Child pose

  • Kneel with your buttocks resting on your heels.
  • With exhalation bend from your hip joint and your forehead should rest on the ground.
  • Stay there for ten breaths.
This pose focuses the breath on the abdomen and pelvis which helps massage them. It relaxes the back muscles.

Uttanasana (standing forward bend)

  • Forward bend.
  • Stand straight; with exhalation bend forward; just hold and relax in this position.
  • Do 10 counts and five repetitions.
  • To make it more relaxing, try resting your head on a stack of pillows.
This pose focuses the breath on the abdomen and pelvis which helps massage them. It relaxes the back muscles.

Dhanurasana (bow pose)

  • Lay face down on the floor.
  • Bend your knees; hold outer sides of your
    ankles and on inhalation
    come up arching your back and trying to reach
    the top of your head, and feet towards the sky.
  • Hold for five to ten breaths.
Bow pose stretches and tones the ovaries, uterus and abdominal organs. It increases over all energy and improves your mood.

Om chanting

  • Do “Om” chanting for at least two minutes.
This resonating sound acts as stimulation and post resonance silence deepens the awareness and releases even very subtle tensions.


  • Lie down on your back, hands down by your sides palms facing up, feet at hip distance apart.
  • Close your eyes and relax for two minutes.
  • Allow the floor to support you.
  • The information on this site does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to be a substitute for medical care provided by a physician.
  • See additional information.