Health Topics
Healthy Living
10 Nutritional Myths Busted |
B Positive Content Team |
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6. Tofu is very good for health |
Tofu causes bloating. Soy has been claimed to be the miracle food, but as of now, research shows that if soy is not fermented, it’s not that healthy for your system. Unfermented soy is extremely hard to digest, and a lot of us can be allergic to it too. Unfermented soy inhibits trypsin and other enzymes needed for protein digestion. It contains gioterns which depress the thyroid function and also blocks the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Watch out and eat only fermented soy products, they are much healthier. Try miso or tempeh. Instead of soy milk, try almond milk, goat’s milk or sheep milk to increase your protein intake. |
7. Substitute a meal for a bowl of cereal – it helps you lose weight |
Cereal is high in fat and sugar content. The high wheat content in some cereals dehydrates the body. Choose a rice-based cereal and definitely keep a check on the preservative and sugar levels. A good option to lose weight would be to make a lifestyle change and eat a low-carb, high protein meal. |
8. Coconut oil is extremely fattening
Coconut oil is actually not bad for you. It is definitely a saturated fat, but unlike butter, it contains medium chain triglycerides which are used by the body as energy and not stored as fat. It definitely doesn’t lead to weight gain but actually helps to lose weight as it speeds up your metabolism and improves the thyroid function. It also contains lauric acid which is found in breast milk, therefore improving your immunity. |
9. Green tea is good for the system |
Green tea is good for the system to some extent but its cons overpower its pros. During the tea making process, only the tips are used. These tips are prone to have the highest pesticide residue on them, which on consumption, gets into our system. Too much green tea can actually constipate you and can stop working after a period of time. So please restrict your consumption to one cup a day, and try to drink organic tea. |
10. Eggs increase cholesterol and are bad for health
Eggs provide an easily absorbed source of protein which is vital to the health of every cell in the body. It is extremely good for growth and muscle maintenance. Eggs are a great source of vitamin A, B, D and E. They also provide folic acid, calcium, chromium, selenium and zinc to the body. As for cholesterol, a 2005 study showed that consumption of 2 eggs daily for a period of 6 weeks had no negative effects on blood cholesterol levels, and has been shown to increase ‘good’ HDL cholesterol. So start making eggs a part of your diet. |