Health Topics
Healthy Living
January 2010
Your Yearend Scorecard |
Dr Sreedevi Yadavalli |
"I didn't lose the weight I said I would." "I didn't get the job hike I should have." "I didn't succeed in spending more time with my family." Or, "I'm hopeless." |
Does your end-of-the-year scorecard read something like the above? While several people look forward to the New Year's parties and celebrations, there are others who take stock of their accomplishments – or the lack of them – for the year gone by, and actually end up moderately depressed.
Ruminating and evaluating the year gone by can be a pretty depressing exercise, particularly when we have just been through the throes of an economic downturn when making new beginnings – in terms of fresh ideas at work – seemed particularly tough. Even on the personal side, goal-getting with regard to weight loss targets or work-life balances are always the hardest.
But then, goal-getting is completely dependent on goal-setting, so why not make a better effort at the setting scene itself? For instance, make an effort to constantly remind yourself of the painful scorecard exercise that will come up at the end of the year. This will automatically compel you to revise your goals into something more realistic. You could begin, say, with specific reminder notes to yourself, something like, "Every time I eat out, I will cut all food portions I eat by half so I end up consuming only half the calories." Such reinforcement will work better than something more generic like, "I will lose seven kilos this year."
Also, with such specifics, you will know where exactly you went wrong in the pursuit of your goal, when you do your end-of-the-year scorecard. If you didn't lose the weight you wanted to, it is possibly because you couldn't resist pigging out at the periodic lunch or dinner do. So, this means you will be stricter with your reinforcement the following year and certainly not clueless when the yearend blues hit you.
So go ahead, re-write your yearend scorecard this time round, and make sure you make a new beginning with getting the balance right next time.